The Mission
- Fly a Powered Paraglider (Paramotor) in all 50 States
- Raise $50,000 for Charity
The 50 state Paramotor Tour Guinness World Record Completed on June 10th 2020 in Alaska.
Guiness World Records
The duration is 215 days, 10 hours, 25 minutes, and 0 seconds
Or 7 months, 2 days, 10 hours, 25 minutes
- 18,613,500 seconds
- 310,225 minutes
- 5170 hours (rounded down)
- 215 days (rounded down) (4.3 days per state)
- 30 weeks (rounded down) (1.67 states per week)
- 59.02% of a common year (365 days)
20 years ago when I immigrated to the United States I decided to visit all 50 states. Finally, I plan to complete my mission by flying a Paramotor (Powered Paraglider) and raising at least $1000 for a charity in each state visited. (Total $50,000+)
The Goal
- Start travel after October 6, 2019, and complete my mission by October 5, 2020.
- Find 50 companies to pledge and donate $1000 to a charity of their choice for each state
- Use social media to vlog progress as I travel and raise awareness about; the charities, each state, and fly Powered Paragliders in 50 states in 50 days to raise funds for 50 charities from at least 50 sponsors.
- Hopefully, find some sponsors to help me complete the mission
The How
The plan is quite simple – Drive and Tow a Camper state to state with my Paraglider and Fly.
For Hawaii and Alaska, I expect to fly into those states either with my paraglider or rent one.
The Need
Help to achieve the mission in many different forms. Everything from getting Pledges for Charities, Travel Cost Assistance, and Equipment & Services.
Creating awareness and getting pledges to donate to charities is a huge job that requires lots of assistance. Planning routes and devising contingency options will need collaboration with many people. Living in a camper for up to a year will require simple things like laundry services and other basics. My hope is to have sufficient help and a team of supporters to make this come true. A flight suit and helmet with all sponsorship on it would be fun.
Sponsorship Opportunities
- Charity Donation
- Travel and Fuel Costs
- Food & Drink
- Equipment & Services
What is Powered Paragliding (PPG)
Powered paragliding, also known as paramotoring or PPG, is a form of ultralight aviation where the pilot wears a motor on their back (a paramotor) which provides enough thrust to take off using a paraglider. It can be launched in still air, by the pilot alone. The ability to fly both low and slow safely, the minimal equipment and maintenance costs, and the portability are this type of flying’s greatest merits. William Shatner who was looking for help getting a PPG flight into a charity in 2002 and hosted the Risk & Reward Educational Video.