The Sonoma to Oshkosh trip was one of the most extreme Unsupported Paramotor Aventures to ever be attempted in the USA. Harley Milne took off a little after 4 am in the dark on Monday, July 18, and arrived in Oshkosh shortly before 11 am on July 24 just 6 days later covering more than 1900 miles.
Paramotor Flight Statistics
- 1900 miles
- 17 flights – 300-420 miles in a day
- 57 hours of flight time
- 3-night flights
- 3L of oil at 65:1 and averaged
- 3-4 gallons per flight
- 100-120 miles per flight.
- 100 LB Gear Load
- 65 gallons of fuel so about 32 miles mph
- $400 fuel & oil
- Fuel AV-GAS
- Oil: Motul 800
- 2 broken 3-blade Helix Props
- 2 hotel rooms and several nights in FBO lounges
- 1 Reposition from Battle Mountain Airport Wyoming to Buffalo Wyoming to get a new prop